Open Day of Kowloon Masjid on 15 Feb. 2009 Local Activities Light of Islam

Date: 2009-02-20 00:00:00Written By admin

Open Day of Kowloon Masjid on 15 Feb. 2009

  • Tags: , Scoring Counts:4666
The function was organized by the Kowloon Masjid Dawah Committee. Members of Deen-ul-Islam, Exco of Hong Kong Islamic Youth Association(HKIYA) and Sr. Sharifah Tuet of Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College gave full support to the event. Other members from the Dawah Committee included Br. Abdul Kareem, Dr. Lebbai, Br. Abdulah Al Mahmoud, Dr. Muhammad Haq, Principal Pervez Akhter and many others. Mr. Hai also came very early to grant moral support to the function. Others like Br. Qammar Minhas, Br. Muhammad Ajaz etc. also came to support even they were also engaged in another function at the Kowloon Masjid. All in all, the brotherhood was warmly felt throughout the day.
The program started around 10:30a.m.with posters exhibition and video show of “Wonders of Creation” by Harun Yahya and “Inside Makkah” by National Geographic. It seemed that quite a number of visitors were interested in the video of Harun Yahya. Thanks to the generous contribution of Br. Qammar Minhas and the co-ordination of Br. Muhammad Ajaz and Br. Sultan, a 12 feet motor driven screen and LCD projector had been installed recently in the community hall. This was the first time the newly installed equipments could be made use of. It proved to be remarkably clear and impressive. May Allah bless all those who contributed to make it materialized.   
A lecture on “Introduction to Islam” with PowerPoint presentation was conducted by Mufti Arshad at 2:10 p.m. for about 45 minutes. Some of the visitors also showed interest to the talk. There were also quite a number of Muslim brothers attended the lecture.
A sister from the Philippines graced the occasion by embracing Islam in the hand of Mufti Arshad.
Alhumdulilah, there were about 100 tourists and Hong Kong citizens who visited Kowloon Masjid on the Open day. They showed interest in the posters displayed and printed material distributed. Nearly most of those supplied by Haji Kasim Ma of Islamic Union of Hong Kong were taken by the visitors.
This reasonably good number of visitors were the result of hard work of many brothers who distributed leaflets near the entrance of the masjid, inviting them to visit the masjid.


 posters display

 short talk on Islam

 short talk on Islam

 Guided tour around the masjid

Free Distribution of Books

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